J.R. has recently been bugging me to start letting him drive. I've refused to let him behind to wheel for a few reasons. First, he's never driven with his injuries and downtown D.C. may be a very dangerous place to test the waters. Second, I can't read a map for the life of me. He's a much better navigator than I am which means he belongs in the passenger seat. And the final reason, he falls asleep all the time. All of his meds tend to make him very drowsy. I've watched him fall asleep in OT, while getting a hair cut, and countless times sitting in his chair in our cracker box. I don't feel that it would be safe to put him behind the wheel and to prove my point, I've decided to share just some of the many naps of J.R.

Now in all fairness two of the three are while he was still in the hospital. However, I have other pictures that I have temporarily misplaced where he is asleep in all sorts of strange places. I cannot wait till he is completely off medication and the naps become less frequent
I have to admit the dinner table one is the funniest and reminds me of the pictures of my kids when they were toddlers falling asleep in their food. :o)
Give him the chance to drive! I can't imagine it would be any worse than riding with my two teenagers for the first time! I can understand that you are concerned that he may fall asleep, but I think his adrenalin will keep him going. Find an old country road like back home and let him behind the wheel! Just make him promise not to stop in a secluded area ;-)..
I don't know biermann, she might want him to stop in a secluded area LOL
I don't think I would let him drive if he falls asleep so much. Definitely a funny pic of him at the dinner table. Sounds like you could put together a nice little slide show of all the napping pics!
Just wanted to tell you from a Iraq veteran's girlfriend.....the uncontrollable need for a nap at ANY time NEVER goes away! The stories I could tell you! LOL
YIKES! DC traffic is definitely NOT where you'd wanna suddenly take a nap if yer driving..... I thought ATLANTA drivers were psycho...till I was in DC for a few days in May! Yipes! Granted, I DID go thru a lot of traffic with my eyes closed (and praying) -- but hubby was driving, not me, lol...and i sure wasn't sleeping!
I know the poor guy's just GOTTA be going stir-crazy and wanting to do something as *normal and mundane* as driving... will be saying extra prayers that he's able to soon (without falling asleep randomly...)
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