Sunday, January 20, 2008



and in case you missed it.... this is pretty entertaining.

*side note: Blogger refuses to publish this as a link even though my html is correct. On my preview it works. I have to get to work but I'll fix this later. It's a story about a prank a local tv station did on Eli Manning. Gotta love it.


Anonymous said...

I am sooooo bummed.......

Anonymous said...

Dear Josie:

I am truly sorry that you aren't getting the recognition that you deserve (and you deserve far much more recognition and appreciation than you have been getting). Sometimes, the ones who are the beneficiaries aren't aware of what you are doing on their behalf.

In time, they will come to realize what you have done for them. Keep plugging away; your fan club here on your web site will always support you.

Soldiers Angels, NYC

p.s. If you and JR ever get out here, the Soup Nazi opened a branch of his store a couple of blocks away from our apartment. It'll be our treat Yadda Yadda.