Friday, September 28, 2007

Time to Come Clean

ESPN reporter Sam Eifling has just posted our story. There are also photo galleries that go along with it. Please take a look.

Now what I'm about to say might be a little shocking to some people, but I think it's finally time to come clean. I am a Martha Stewart fanatic. Remember that show on MTV where they brought in teenage girls to meet their favorite singers? The girls would scream and cry and just be a huge wreck. Yeah.. that would be me meeting Martha Stewart. I keep her Homekeeping Handbook right on my desk and treat it like it's a Bible. Pathetic, I know. Now you can only imagine my excitement when I learned that Macy's was going to be carrying an entire line of products designed by her. I spent almost an hour today in the home department trying to pick and choose between products. I ended up walking away with dish towels. THREE towels for only $9.99. And they're nice and big. I had to really talk myself out of a lot of gadgets because my kitchen is already FULL. I don't think I can find an extra square inch to store one more thing. And lets face it, do I really NEED to make a cake in the shape of a pumpkin? Probably not.

While I was running around the home department at work I also purchased a martini shaker. Why? Because my birthday is only 39 days away (not that I'm counting). And even though I can already legally drink in Wisconsin (it's one of those beautiful loop holes that states a minor may drink if accompanied by a legal guardian... a spouse counts for that) I'm still very excited for my birthday.

I've had a lot of people asking me in my classes what life is like living with ten other families. I want to explain this in greater depth sometime soon but not until I can find my camera chip and upload the pictures from the Fisher House. Before we left I took a ton of pictures of the common areas, our room, the fridge, just all of it. I really want to give people the real feeling of the house. Look for the post next week sometime. It's going to take a while to get the post together and this weekend is jammed with family time.

As much as I love typing I really need to stop procrastinating and continue cleaning my apartment. Maybe even get some homework done. Well.. maybe not homework tonight. We'll see what happens. I have all weekend right? (Someone remind me that I said this when I'm whining on Sunday night that I have TONS to do)


Butterfly Wife said...

Martha Stweart, eh? Too funny. I have a thing for fiestaware. Pretty much do the same thing. I can spend an hour in that one little section of the department. We all must have our own little things, don't you think?

Tracy said...

The article was very well done. I enjoyed the picture galleries.

Martha Stewart? well, we've all got something. LOL Like J.R., I can't pass a bookstore without going in!

prophet said...

wow. so glad to see the article and all the pictures. you guys have really been through a lot.

I'll come clean here, too, Josie: I'm a Martha Stewart fan as well. 'It's a good thing.'

Bob said...

Won't someone please cut Marth Stewart's bangs?